Monday, November 9, 2009

Part I, Chapter 11

The Eternal Fight: The downpour in a drop of water

It is explained that Dávid's earlier enquiry about Rozáli was turned away on account of Mazrur and the Sabina having pursued a legal course to force Rozáli's return from the Parabolana. The legal argument primarily rested on Dávid not having satisfied his signed promise to marry Rozáli.

Hermione Peleia does not intend to let Rozáli go, but since her religious order is not officially recognized by the state, she cannot grant sanctuary that has the strength of law.

It is also insinuated that attempts Hermione Peleia ordered to locate Dávid, so he could marry Rozáli and thereby render the threat of the lawsuit meaningless, have been sabotaged by a nun close to her on purpose by writing an incomplete address on the letter.

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